Embark on an unforgettable adventure with Olli as he receives an anonymous letter that sets him on a thrilling quest to find his lnew friend. Join him as he braves treacherous seas, battles through storms and torrential rain, and endures a challenging journey that takes him to a mysterious island.
Will Olli's determination and resilience be enough to unravel the mystery and find his friend? Find out in this captivating tale of courage, and the power of never giving up.
Get ready for a journey like no other!
'This short film was made and dedicated to the bravery of all heroes in Sophia Children's Hospital'
The project is part of 'Olli For Good' a charitable initiative dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
It serves as an inspiration for other organizations and individuals to contribute towards similar charitable endeavors.
Directed by Hein Mevi
Written by Didi Bok
Animated by Hein Mevi
Music by Adrian Berenguer
'The Little Things'
Sound by Roland Thai
Production Jane MC Ally